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Terms of sale


This purchase is regulated by the following standard sales conditions for consumer purchases of goods over the Internet. Consumer purchases via the Internet are mainly regulated by the Contracts Act, the Consumer Purchases Act, the Marketing Act, the Right of Withdrawal Act and the E-Commerce Act, and these laws give the consumer inalienable rights. The laws are available at www.lovdata.no. The terms of this agreement are not to be construed as limiting the statutory rights, but set out the parties’ most important rights and obligations for trade.
The terms of sale have been prepared and recommended by the Norwegian Consumer Agency. For a better understanding of these terms of sale, see the Norwegian Consumer Agency’s guide.
1) The agreement
The agreement consists of these sales conditions, information given in the order solution and any specially agreed terms. In the event of any conflict between the information, what has been specifically agreed between the parties will prevail, as long as it does not contravene mandatory legislation.
The agreement will also be supplemented by relevant legal provisions that regulate the purchase of goods between businesses and consumers.
2) Parts
The seller is Oslo Live Music AS, Org. No. 921 766 025
Phone: +47 9601 8280. Agathe Grøndahls gate 18, 0478 Oslo. Norway, and is hereinafter referred to as the seller / seller.
The buyer is the consumer who makes the order, and is hereinafter referred to as the buyer / buyer.
3) Price
The stated price for the item and services is the total price the buyer must pay. This price includes all taxes and additional costs. Additional costs that the seller before the purchase has not informed about, the buyer shall not bear.
4) Entering into an agreement
The agreement is binding on both parties when the buyer has sent his order to the seller. However, the agreement is not binding if there have been typing or typing errors in the offer from the seller in the ordering solution in the online store or in the buyer’s order, and the other party realized or should have realized that such an error existed.
5) Payment
The seller demands payment for the item from the time the buyer orders and makes the purchase.
the buyer. If the buyer uses a credit card or debit card when paying, the seller can reserve the purchase price on the card when ordering. The card will be charged on the same day as the buyer makes the purchase.
No payment by invoice.

6) Delivery
Delivery takes place when the buyer, or his representative, has taken over the thing. The delivery time will be between 10 and 30 minutes, the seller must deliver the goods to the buyer without delay.
7) The risk of the item
The risk for the goods passes to the buyer when he, or his representative, has had the goods delivered in accordance with point 6.
8) Right of withdrawal
This agreement is exempt from the right of withdrawal. Due to the fact that food has been prepared and the strict rules for controlling the coronavirus infection, the buyer will not be able to make the purchase.

9)Delay and non-delivery – the buyer’s rights and deadline for filing claims
Delay and non-delivery: buyer’s rights and deadline for reporting complaints
If the seller does not deliver the goods or delivers them late in accordance with the agreement between the parties, and this is not due to the buyer or the conditions on the buyer’s side, the buyer may, in accordance with the rules in Chapter 5 of the Consumer Purchase Act, retain the purchase price. – terminate the contract and / or demand compensation from the seller.
In the event of a claim for pre-determined rights, the notification must, for evidentiary reasons, be in writing (eg e-mail).
• Fulfillment
The buyer can keep the purchase and meet the seller’s requirements. However, the buyer can not enforce compliance if there is an obstacle that the seller can not overcome, or if compliance will entail such a disadvantage or cost for the seller that it is significantly disproportionate to the buyer’s interest in the seller’s compliance. If the difficulties disappear within a reasonable time, the buyer may still demand compliance.
The buyer loses the right to demand compliance if he waits too long to advance the claim.
• Lifting
If the seller does not deliver the goods at the time of delivery, the buyer will encourage the seller to make the delivery within a reasonable additional time for compliance. If the seller does not deliver the item within the additional time, the buyer can cancel the purchase.
However, the buyer can cancel the purchase immediately if the seller refuses to deliver the item. In these two cases, the seller is obliged to repay the purchase price.
10)Lack of the item
– the buyer’s rights and complaint deadline
If there is a defect in the item, the buyer must, within a reasonable time after it was discovered or should have been discovered, notify the seller that he or she will invoke the defect. The buyer has always complained in time if it occurs within 10 minutes after the defect was discovered or should have been discovered. Complaints can be submitted no later than 10 minutes after the buyer took over the item.
If the item has a defect and this is not due to the buyer or circumstances on the part of the buyer, the buyer can, in accordance with the rules in the Consumer Purchase Act Chapter 6, withhold the purchase price, choose between correction and relocation, demand price reduction. seller’s compensation.
Complaints to the seller must be made in writing.
Correction or re-delivery
The buyer can choose between claiming the defect or correcting the delivery of similar goods. However, the seller may oppose the buyer’s claim if fulfillment of the claim is impossible or if the seller generates unreasonable costs. Correction or submission must be made within a reasonable time. Basically, the seller is not entitled to make more than two repair attempts for the same fault.
Price reduction
The buyer can demand a sufficient price reduction if the item is not corrected. This means that the ratio between reduced price and agreed price corresponds to the ratio between the value of the defective item and the contract status. If there are special reasons for this, the price reduction can be equated with the significance of the defect for the buyer.

• Lifting
If the item cannot be resent, the buyer can also cancel the purchase when the defect is not insignificant.

11) Seller’s rights by
the buyer’s default
If the buyer does not pay immediately, his order will not be executed and therefore he will not be able to claim the order.

12) Warranty
Warranty provided by the seller or manufacturer gives the buyer rights in addition to those the buyer already has under mandatory legislation. A guarantee thus does not imply any restrictions on the buyer’s right to a complaint and claims in the event of delay or defects pursuant to items 9 and 10.
13) Personal information
Responsible for the processing of personal data by the seller. With the buyer’s consent to something else, the seller may, in accordance with the Personal Data Act, only collect and store the personal data necessary for the seller to be able to carry out the obligations under the agreement. The buyer’s personal information will only be disclosed to others if it is necessary for the seller to implement the agreement with the buyer, or in a statutory case.
14) Conflict resolution
Complaints are addressed to the seller within a reasonable time, cf. items 9 and 10. The parties shall try to resolve any disputes amicably. If this does not succeed, the buyer can contact the Consumer Council for mediation. The Consumer Council is available on telephone 23 400 500 eller www.forbrukerradet.no